This asks nose to read through all text files in your project with the given extension, running and verifying any doctests that it finds. 这要求nose读取项目中具有指定的扩展名的所有文本文件,运行并检查它找到的所有doctest。
This is because Apache click by default maps to files with extensions. jsp and. htm, and I chose. html as my extension. 这是因为在默认情况下ApacheClick映射扩展名为.jsp和.htm的文件,而我选用.html作为扩展名。
Once selected, the validator will read all files with a.schema extension in the selected directory. 然后,验证器将读取选中目录中所有扩展名为.schema的文件。
List files: List files are special data files that end with the ". list" extension. 列表文件:列表文件是特殊的数据文件,扩展名是“.list”。
Typically, C/ C++ source files ( usually with a.cpp/. cxx extension) can be built without depending on each other. 通常,C/C++源文件(通常带有.cpp/.cxx扩展名)不需以对方为基础即可编译。
The first attribute validated that we are indeed caching JavaScript files with a.js extension. 第一个属性证实确实会缓存扩展名为.js的JavaScript文件。
If you want to keep all of the data together then zip up all of the files into a new file with a new extension. 如果您希望将所有数据放在一起,那么您可以将所有文件压缩打包到一个新文件,并使用新的扩展名。
The third command looks for any files starting with account_policy to show that a new file with a.bak extension has been created. 第三个命令寻找任何以accountpolicy开始的文件,以便显示已经创建的带有.bak扩展名的新文件。
Normally these class representations are generated from Java language source code by a compiler, and they're usually stored in files with a.class extension. 通常这些类表示是由编译器从Java语言源代码生成的,而且它们通常存储在扩展名为.class的文件中。
Choose Wildcard extension to ignore all files with the current file's extension, or choose Custom pattern to add your own wild card to the ignore list. 选择Wildcardextension忽略具有当前文件扩展名的所有文件,或选择Custompattern在忽略列表中添加您自己的通配符。
So the upstream process does not pick up files that are being transferred, just the ones with the umf extension. 因此上传过程不能挑选正在传输的文件,即扩展名为umf的文件。
Extension mapping document files are in csv format with each extension mapping being represented by one row in the csv. 扩展映射文档文件使用csv格式,并且每个扩展映射被表示为csv中的一行。
The extended JavaScript files have additional logic that is highlighted with the comments convention starting with// EXTENSION: as illustrated in the code fragment shown in Figure 28. 扩展的JavaScript文件拥有已突出的额外的逻辑,带有以//EXTENSION:开头的注释约定,如图28中的代码段所示。
Files with the extension% 1 are programs. You cannot associate a program with another program. 扩展名为%1的文件是程序。无法将一个程序和另一个程序关联。
This box lists files with the extension you select in the List File of Type box 此框列出了你在ListFileofType框中选择的带扩展名的文件
The sample will find all files in the current directory with ". txt" as the file extension and will create a copy of each file with ". utxt" as the file extension. 此示例将在当前目录中查找所有以“.txt”作为文件扩展名的文件,并为每个文件创建一个以“.utxt”作为文件扩展名的副本。
Every component is represented by a Java class and a group of files with the same name but different file extension. 每个组件由一个Java类,以及一组具有相同名称、不同扩展名的文件表示。
Unable to preview% s. The browser may not open files with this extension. 无法预览%。浏览器可能无法打开带这种扩展名的文件。
You need to rename files throughout a subtree of directories, specifically changing the names of all files with a given extension so that they end in another extension. 需要遍历目录,重命名文件,特别的改变特定类型文件的名称后缀为其他后缀。
These drivers were executable files with a.DRV extension, and they were written primarily in assembly language. 这些驱动是带有。drv后缀名的可执行文件,主要由汇编语言编写。
Meanwhile, lots of teaching documents and teaching files are with the extension, how to manage these resources properly has become an important problem. 但在扩建的同时也产生了大量的教学文件、教学档案,如何对这些资源进行合理的管理成为一个重要的问题。